Signtologist came from Black Thought front man of The Roots after meeting him in boulder presenting him a painting of The Roots and givin him a lift back to his hotel he signed a record sleeve for me and made it out to The Signtologist the second i read it i asked him can i use this and he gave me the ok that was in 2006
I noticed20on your web site that you’re from Denver , what kind of inspiration have you drawn from there and put into your work?
I am a 2nd generation native of Denver, Co the Mile High City. I love my city and am filled with constant inspiration from not only the city itself but 20the surrounding wildlife and the amazing mountains. After growing up in Denver I always was into all forms of art at a young age thanks to my mom who is also an artist. Once hip hop was introduced into my life i began to look my urban surr ounding in a different light. To see the beauty of a glowing stop sign at the end of the block or the intensity of a downtown alley. I started to try and express these things thru my art but nothing convey them as well as when i started painting on street signs.
Who are your major inspirations?
After studying art for years i am influenced from all types of artists renaissance masters to cartoons. My most major influences to name a few are Justin BUA, Iceberg Slick, Andy Warhol , along my artistic journey i would strive to emulate characteristics of their work in mine. I have a broad range of apprec iation for art in all=2 0forms thou so I am influenced daily by all the artists i have the privilege of working with through out my career.
How did you come up with the idea to create painting on street signs?
Total accident ran out of supplies on a late night art school project and needed to come up with something stepped outside to get20my thoughts together and the answer was starting me right in the face in my carport. Needless to say it wasn't a success for my project but started me on my way in this niche.

How do you make your portraits so true to life?
I work from photographs for references for the subject and then just let the rest happen i welcome accidents in all my work some of the best things come accidents.
When did you realize this was something that you wanted to do professionally?
After I gifted away my first 3 pieces and the response i got from people and groups i respected very much who helped to=2 0shape my craft. I realized as we conversed20they were treating me like a fellow artist and were so very supportive it opened my eyes to what i had stumbled onto.
What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment so far?
Every step i take forward at my craft is my greatest accomplishment, the progression of everything i am most proud of. I mean I started out from a n accident to opening up a company and becoming a 'Green Artist" it is an amazing journey with so much more ah ead. I have met so many people i admire and respect and been able to give back to them the inspiration they once gave to20me. If it all ended tomorrow i could walk away satisfied and accomplished, but for the mean time will keep pushin forward and enjoyin the ride.
What technique do you use when you decide to sit down and paint?
Whenever inspiration beckons i am20at it's whim i have to just go with it and let go. Usually i will choose subjects in advance and have then lying around the studio for when i'm feeling it, then i start out with choosing a sign and laying down a sharpie outline. Nex t is adding of sticker scraps in some cases and then the painting process starts. There is always allot of reworking during the process which is why i shy away from painting live.

My work is always evolving i keep my very first painting in my studio right by my easel so i can look at it as i work on new pieces. Every year i add new techniques and mediums most recently i have been=2 0dabbling in new canvases from snowboards to shirts,=2 0shoes and even sunglasses. I love the trail and error involved in experimentation of my craft in all aspects, just the hope of evolution for this niche of street art i have pioneered keeps me coming back.. lol
What is your ultimate direction for your work?
As an this stemmed from an accident i put no expectations on me or my work this, is my outlet with that being said the directions this could take me in are endless.
How can fans of your work access to your paintings and order them for their own homes?
I am launching a new site under my company www.thesigntologist.com this should be up in July 09 with a catalog of merchandise as wel l as info on ordering originals. But for now visit any of these sites to keep up with me:www.streetsignartist.com
http://twitter.com/ THESIGNTOLOGIST
What is the average cost of one of your paintings?
Original paintings start at 300 and go up well into the thousands. However that is why i am launching www.thesigntologist.co m with more options for merchandise at different price points for all budgets.
What advice do you have for someone who wants to become an artist?
Do you first and foremost this is my outlet it keeps me grounded, never give up on your passion no matter what you encounter along the way it's a part of forming your craft seek out critiques with an open mind. take advice and move forward always keep your focus. And remember all us artists gotta stick together!
Do you believe that hip hop influences many of your paintings?
I always listen to music when i paint typically i listen to hip hop but have love of all types of music. I would say yes hip hop had a huge part in the influence of my artwork, if anything me using my gift is how i give back to the Hip Hop culture.
What is one thing that you would like to accomplish with your work in the future?
To leave a mark
When you are creating, is there a certain environment that you require?
I usually work in my studio located in my home, I am definitely most comfortable in that setting.

A lot of artists feel like their most recent work is their best work. Do you agree?
Yes I agree with this statement I enjoy watching my work evolve. However just to keep things in perspective i have my very first piece hung in my studio right behind my easel so i can see it as i paint.
Where would you ultimately like to see your work displayed: along open city walls or on a canvas in an art gallery?
I would love to get into some work into museums and more galleries around the20world. If i was also allowed to do outside installations i think that would be a great learning experience. I like that my art provides me many options , the possibilities are endless and look forward to where my craft takes me.
That's cool how did the artist hear about your work?
The other artists at summer jam you mean ? The hip hop station here ks 107.5 sponsers summer jam every year here in colorado they got me a backst age pass and some tickets to the show. Then allowed me conduct my bizness backstage Flo Rida's camp said had checked the picture the station had sent earlier that week to all the artists respective labels of my paintings. Flo Rida's camp also sent me a thank you note following the show which was really cool and a nice surpirse as that usually doesn't happen. But most of the artist at this show were introduced to my work that night I assume, T - Pain took his on stage with him and his big ass chain for his set. It was an interresting experience and a very fun night to say the least.
Most of your art is made on sighs now do you go to the same spot to get signs or different spots here and there ?
I get them thru city sources all over Colorado all legit , I get these sources old used discarded signs and recycle them into art. I also recycle their reflective sticker scraps from the production of the signs. No stealing for me i realized how fragile this medium i have chosen is and that i need to approach as smart as possible. That is=2 0why i have been stepping my game up getting lawyers, copyrights, opening an LLC just trying to implement as many things to protect me and my artwork now and in the future.
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