After several years of working in "the industry", she went from being told she'd "never work in this town again" by one of the most prominent fashion photographers to being named one of V Magazine's "Seventeen Most Industrious" in NYC. In 2004, Mitra finally decided to launch Blood is the New Black based on her thesis written a few years earlier. Her intention is use the company to open up talented artists to wider audiences and to allow their art to become available to many in this wearable form.
Mitra and Blood is the New Black operate out of sunny Los Angeles, California, USA.
Please state who you are and your role at Blood Is The New Black.
Mk- My name is Mitra Khayyam I'm the owner and curator of blood is the new black
Tell us about your background in fashion and design.
Mk- I attended Parsons in New York. I have been working in the industry since I was 18. I have done every possible job!
How did Blood Is The New Black come about?
Mk- I had to write a thesis for my senior year at Parsons, and I ended up writing a business plan for a t-shirt line that would introduce people to great artists. Once I graduated I thought about that paper, I felt that it was a solid idea! And so I decided to start a t-shirt line that would be based on that concept.
How would you characterize Blood Is The New Black attitude?
Mk- Blood is the new black's attitude can be very bi-polar. Sometimes we can be tough and want to fight and sometimes we just want to sit back and laugh. Due to all the different art work we can be anything we want to be!
Who is the Blood Is The New Black buying demographic?
Mk- Our demographic is 18-26 men and women who appreciate art.
How do you intend on keeping your brand image that of one consumers will actively want to associate with?
Mk- I am constantly looking for new up and coming artists. Every season we have at least 3 new artists who join our family. With every season our old artists put in new art as well. We always will have new and artistic shirts. Blood is the new black refuses to be just a brand on it own. We rely on our artist, and that is why people want to associated with us.
What are some daily design challenges that you face?
Mk- I want to make sure that the artwork that I choose is fresh and new. I want to make sure that I don't just pick out work that I love but our customers will love too!

"When you have a solid company and it is run by people who understand your vision it makes the work so much easier."
Do you find yourself more inspired by fashion or things external to the fashion world?
MK- I am greatly inspired by everything outside of the fashion world. I love going to art shows and meeting new artists, watching movies, traveling, etc.
Where is Streewear headed?
Mk- Now that the fashion world is getting hit hard by the economic crisis, I strongly believe that people only want to put their money into a quality product. Our shirts go through a long process, from getting the right dimension to the best feeling to the greatest art work, just so we have a solid valuable product. I believe that those companies that put their time and effort to create Quality will be here to stay. Streetwear will eventually only show case quality.
For some of the up and coming brands, what are some of the overlooked tasks that you had to complete during start-up that they may not be aware of but definitely need to know about?
MK- I started this company on my own, being self employeed as many advantages and disadvantages. Being my own boss is amazing, but that means I also have a lot on my plate at all times. I am responsible for my

Do you have any collaborations in the works?
Mk- For our spring roll-out I have collaborated with Brendan Donnelly, Sumi Ink Club, Matt W. Moore, and Michael Sieben. I am so excited to be working with all the talent!
More on BITNB vist bloodisthenewblack.com
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