What's up let everybody know your name and what you do.
My name is Joshua Hooper but I also create under the pseudonym of Juicy J. I'm a world class illustrator/ artist.
How did you get started? Did you start doodling at a young age and it just stuck or was there a different artistic trajectory for you?
Everyone draws, doodles, colors and make art with they are young, real artist just never stop. Do something long enough and you get good at it. Natural talent is finite. Real abilities come from dedication and practice.
How did you get the name "Juicy J"?
Use to work at place when I was younger and everyone had a funky, cool name. "Sherm Da Germ, Slick Rick, G Money." At the time I was digging this Ghetto-Tech DJ, the late Disco D, and just mirrored my name just like his and came up with Juicy J. Apparently, there is a famous rapper who goes by the same name.
If a random person were to open your sketchbook, what drawing would be most puzzling to them?
I don't know. Most people are prudes and love to be shocked and flabbergasted, because they don't have the permission to like certain things. I'm working on an erotic comic, so they might see some hard dirty toons sketches. "Oh my god! SEX...in cartoon form! Oh lawrdy! Ewww Gross!!"

"Oh my god! SEX...in cartoon form! Oh lawrdy! Ewww Gross!!"
What’s the greatest compliment anyone’s ever paid you and your work?
I went out with some friends in a group, and one of my good friends tell me later his girlfriend kept going on and on about me weeks later, then he said ,"You're never going meet her AGAIN, ever!!" Since then he purposely never introduce to any of his girlfriends EVER out of this . I known him for 10 years. He's convince I'm Hitler and a evil genius with super, mental power. It's pretty of flattering. As for my work, most compliments are rubbish. I try and seek criticism, not compliments, they just feed into your ego and stifle your creativity. Like telling a fine girl she is pretty, it's worthless.
What’s your preferred medium? What best suits you?
I've been doing allot of digital work, but need to get back into painting ASAP! It's best to be discipline in unlimited mediums. But I love Vector!
What will your new website look like after they are done "Cleaning"?(lol)
I don't know. Something with high energy and make you feel like choking a bitch. Just Kidding. Choking bitches is bad.
What would you say is your favorite font?
Badaboom BB Font! Get it free at 1001fonts.com
Do you listen to music while you work? If so, what music moves you?
The best music to listen to is music that doesn't cloud your thoughts, and that's music with no lyrics. I'm into electronic, classical, and movie scores. My music of choice is Drum n' Bass, Dub Step,Electro,and classical music.

"You're never going meet her AGAIN, ever!!" Since then he purposely never introduce to any of his girlfriends EVER out of this"
What challenges you as an artist?
Sleep. It's the biggest hindrance to my artwork. If I cease to sleep I'd be kicking more ass, and taking more names. Other than that, all challenges can be conquered with time. Cocaine and Coffee helps.
What’s the longest time you’ve spent on a single piece? Have you ever begun something and had to walk away from it and come back again later? Have you ever abandoned something all together, never to return?
I don't know. Yes. Yes. I guess this is only interesting if you think you need to finish everything you start, and feel guilty when you don't. Why stress yourself? I guess the more comfortable you are with knowing things don't need resolutions or happy endings the better off you'll be as an artist.
Is there a reason in particular that you draw lots of characters?
I'm an illustrator, its part of the job description, and people pay me to do them. Sometime people will say you do this allot, why not do this. People love to do that, be the jack of all trades, master of none, and always looking for new tools, tactics, and tricks. It may make you feel like a BIG PIMP in your head, but I believe mastery is the key. I now just draw what I like, and people are now taking notice of my my grounded style, but it comes from lots of repetition.

"I don't know. Something with high energy and make you feel like choking a bitch. Just Kidding. Choking bitches is bad."
I seen on Deviant Art you are thinking about getting some designs printed on tee's. How is that coming along , is it still in the works?
I've put that on pause, and focusing my efforts on other projects.
What are your plans for the near future?
I'm working on a collective project, an Art Book. The working title is UNB Present : They Should of never gave you niggas money. Its with some fellow local Atlanta artist; Corey Davis of City of Ink, Dan the Man of Denominator Graphics, Leon, and myself! oh and James Eugene aka James114. It should be done in a month or so.
Any last words?
Follow me on tumblr. It's like twitter, but way more fresher.
www. JoshuaHooper.com
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