I’m often asked, “What is King Duce?”
For me, personally, King Duce is my canvas that allows me to create music, fashion, film and collaborate with other artists who inspire me to explore and celebrate their work. I’ve never been interested in mastering one art form or defining art into suffocating categories. I just like the process of expressing what I feel, see and hear, in whatever creative form it takes. And often times it’s a mixture of art forms wrapped into a single piece. And that’s why King Duce is a constantly changing collage made up of all the art forms that I explored growing up: music, painting, writing, athletics, film and photography.
This artistic collage approach is probably rooted in my first love of music, which is made up of invisible, yet colorful and fluid waves that come from an infinite vastness that I can’t even begin to understand or define. All I know is that when I’m moved to tears by music, and the people expressing it, I know I’ve connected to something beyond my comprehension. It begs the question, “Why does art need to be defined?” To me, the “Answer” is in how it makes us “Feel”. And, to me, that’s what art should be for everyone, regardless of what people want to call it.

My first collaboration was actually with my wife Becky. Before we started King Duce, she introduced me to fashion and dance as important art forms back when we were dating in high school. Like many people, I ignorantly viewed fashion as a superficial thing. I now admit that I was totally wrong. And as I opened my mind up and listened, I began to earn a deep respect for fashion as an amazing art form that allowed people to express themselves, similar to that of a painting or a song. Becky has always created her own outfits using a blend of second hand stores, sewing, and discovering trippy cool accessories from anywhere off the beaten path. Then, depending on her mood, she would intuitively assemble these pieces into an outfit that would be uniquely her own. Thank God I eventually recognized this because my country boy fashion sensibility growing up was a predictable template of Levi’s, concert t-shirts, high tops and, yes, a mullet. There, I admitted it. Now let’s move on and never speak of the mullet again!
Often times, true inspiration comes in the simple moments interacting with another person and being open to look outside ourselves and appreciating their individual expression. For example, watching my wife teach art to mentally challenged kids and seeing them light up because they created something beautiful is art in its purest form. That’s as awe inspiring to me as the music of Beethoven; the paintings of Van Gogh; or the writings of Shakespeare.

King Duce was created to give all of us the platform to create and express our own unique voice. And that’s what art and life is really about. In this light speed world of outside pressures, we spend much of our time worrying about what we are not, rather than embracing and celebrating what and who we are. Art is about fluid motion and feel. And so is a person’s life. We all have our own unique gifts. So take the time to get to know what inspires you. And with a little determination and belief in yourself you will create anything you dream. It’s already inside of you.
How did you come up with the name King Duce ?
Rockwell – My close friend Kevin “Duce” Kimble was murdered back in 06. He shared and supported my vision, introduced me to Oakland rap star Keak Da Sneakand the Nor Cal underground rap scene. I came up with King Duce on the way to Kevin’s funeral. I felt that this was a way to honor his memory and keep the dream alive.
When did you realize your love of fashion?
Rockwell – my wife Becky has always been very fashion minded. She brought this element to King Duce and has been a driving force behind it from the beginning. Today she is handling designs and sales, especially related to the women’s line. We also get a lot of great input from our musicians and pro athletes. They are on the cutting edge and know what’s hot. My focus has always been on the music and branding elements. I can barely match my socks!
Who makes up the King Duce team?
Rockwell – King Duce is a family of people from all different backgrounds. That’s why our brand speaks to such a large audience. I grew up hanging with people from every social group imaginable (athletes, artists, musicians, etc). I incorporated this same philosophy into our team. We have musicians like Keak Da Sneak and E-40, pro athletes in action sports and the NFL like Superbowl champ Michael Pitman, branding and clothing icons like Element creator Andy Howell; world class fashion models like Brazillian star Nataniele Ribeiro; and young talent from every corner of the game. I believe in having different perspectives in order to grow a brand that is relevant to our audience.
What characteristics embody a King Duce consumer?
Rockwell – the King Duce customer is someone who identifies with an authentic brand that speaks to their lifestyle. We aren’t trying to be something to everyone. We are simply creating quality music and products with an attitude that is honest. Our customers respect this.
What are some of the pro's and con's that you face being the boss?
Rockwell – King Duce allows me the freedom to create on all levels. I have always been an entrepreneur and love the challenge of building something from scratch and working with talented and passionate people. There’s not much downside to that.
What do you feel like is your greatest achievement so far?
Rockwell – the greatest achievement is seeing a new person connect with King Duce and make it their own. That’s what it’s all about.
What’s next for you?
Rockwell – we are growing fast and we are feeding this growth with new limited edition hats and apparel this fall and holiday. All our newest stuff hits our online store first at www.kingduce.com. Thanks for checking us out. Duce Up!!
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